
Leading Digital Business Transformation

Forrester Consulting, commissioned by Sugar CRM and Squiz, March 2016

Organisations must begin to look at digital holistically and transform by applying digital thinking across everything they do – how to win, serve, and retain customer; how they operate internal processes; and how they source business services….Businesses with a mature digital strategy are rare (11%).

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Improving B2B customer experience

Nicolas Maechler, Sanjeev Sahni, and Martine van Oostrum – McKinsey, March 2016

A customer-centric mind-set is just as critical in the B2B space. Customer-experience leaders in B2B settings have on average higher margins than their competitors; higher client-satisfaction scores, reductions of 10 to 20 percent in cost to serve, revenue growth of 10 to 15 percent, and an increase in employee satisfaction.

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